Beloved studio Inti Creates just announced a new game in the Gunvolt series called Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX. It is a spinoff starring the series’ anti-hero Copen. The game was announced by the company at the BitSummit indie games show in Kyoto along with Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon, the 8-bit styled Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night spinoff.
The game is currently in development with more details slated to be released later this summer. But along with this surprise announcement was this amazing looking trailer which is all I think I need to see to make this a day one purchase. I mean, it’s Inti Creates, so. . .
We don’t know much else about Luminous Avenger iX at this time. Only that it looks amazing, is currently in development for Nintendo Switch, and serves as a reminder to me as to why I made this site. You can bet I’ll be keeping tabs on this and posting updates as they become known.
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